His New Job

Ubai already went to work. I asked him why you need to work? He said he needed some money. I use to argue with him about finding a part time job. I would say to him that if a company pay to you this much of money, better still you help your mom at home (being like a maid). I will pay this much for you. Food is free and you dont have to travel and pay for your fuel. For the first month I paid for him. He use the money to buy protein supplement to improve his muscle and body weight.

This week he is doing a part time job doing a traffic survey. He will leave very early in the morning with his friends. Yeah use your motorbike and ride it carefully. As you know the motorists here are not that cautious sometime. People use to say the Malaysians are very nice but when they are on the road they would change their characters. It might be true.

I am very curious to see Ubai doing his job. When he asked my permission I never rejected. Let he feels how hard to earn money and how difficult life is waiting for him in future. Anyway he needs some money for his own usage but one thing I would like to tell you. 'when come to money never trust anybody and it is you to work hard for the money'.
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