Woman's Day

Today is half working day because tomorrow is Woman's Day. I don't really know but they told me so. And they told me again that there are so many public holidays. Hhhhmmmm......So what am I going to do tomorrow? Stay in my room... reading a book and playing table tennis with Amin?? I think I will go to the office and reply the emails and finish off other things before I end up watching the DVD and continue and finishing my novel.

My friend also told me that they dont only celebrate Woman's Day but they also celebrate Man's Day. Wow....... to be fair and square and non bias to one gender let we celebrate them together. Anyway I forgot to buy few roses to the ladies in my office. Perhaps I will get few red roses to my secretary and clerks, just to appreciate them for being a woman.

Sempat juga hang beli bunga ros bebanyak . Nak bagi pada sapa tu........ hehehehhe...jangan peristiwa lama berulang no...jaga jaga....anyway baguslah beri bunga tu pada anak anak dara tu sorang satu.


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