
Showing posts from August, 2006
Greece : The Three Islands ; Poros, Hydra and Aegina . Poros Poros, facing the most picturesque Galatas, on the Peloponnese coast, offers the most beautiful narrow sea passage in Greece. During the free time in the port, you will be able to enjoy a walk through the narrow streets and walk up to the highest point for a panoramic view from the clock tower. . Hydra One hour from Poros, Hydra is the most picturesque and cosmopolitan island in the Saronic Gulf. It will offer you a unique experience, with its beautiful amphitheatrical built harbour and its old mansions dominating the entrance of its small sheltered port. Hydra's contribution to the Greek Independence war of 1821 was very important. Free time for swimming in its blue waters and for a romantic walk through its narrow streets. . Aegina Aegina is the most important and fertile island of the Saronic Gulf, 17 naut. miles South of Piraeus, with an area of 86km2 and a population of 15,000 inhabitants. Known for its powerful nava...
Greece: The Homogeneous Architechture And The Garden Roman! ......Kalau kita ke Greece kita dapat saksikan senibina yang berunsurkan roman. Paling ketara pada tiang yang menjadi prominent bagi setiap rekabentuk. Boleh di katakan kawasan mediteranean memang beginilah rekabentuknya. Peninggalan sejarah keagungan Roman memang ketara...pergilah ke Italy, Jordan, Syria dan negara lain sama saja kesan binaan peninggalan sejarah. Di Athens tak terkecuali dengan senibina begini. Aku berpeluang mengumpul beberapa gambar yang berfaedah untuk di kongsi bersama. Kalau di Malaysia pun ada juga rumah atau bangunan yang di reka, menciplak senibina Roman dan yang paling ketara adalah bangunan KLSE. Begitu juga dengan design rumah rumah teres masa kini. Design mengikut peredaran masa tetapi mengapa design baru nampak maju dan artistik hanya pada awal tahun 90an. Kalau di lihat pada tahun sebelum 90an kebanyakkan rumah lebih kepada modular and statik. Adakah kita orang Malaysia menghadapi krisis identit...
Greece : Dining Where Ever You Like Summer is the blessing season for the European where they enjoy dining and outing. The weather tend to be very pleasing and forget about layers of clothes underneath the winter coat. Similarly in Greece there were many tourists from all over the world and all walks of life dining and enjoying the local food. The restaurants were very welcoming with local decoration and concept. Almost all the Mediteranian countries shared the same taste and culture although they phrased in different languages. The most popular food for sure kebab. It was originated from Turkey, which I thought and speedily becoming a popular international food. You go everywhere in the world you will find kebab. Unfortunately I deliberately cannot enjoy the local food because of the halal status. Anyway I really enjoy looking at people struggling to order food and bevarage during the hot sunny sun. How wonderful world it was. Below are few pictures that I took during my travel and ho...
Greece : The Archaeological Site . . Aku melawat kawasan ni pada hari pertama sampai. Mula tu ingat nak melawat pada hari ke dua. Tapi bla melawat Palka dah nampak depan mata so terus sajalah. Nak masuk sampai ke bukit sana kena bayo 12Euro. Kawasan ni juga terletak National park yang di penuhi oleh pokok pokok zaiton yang matang. Ni lah pertama kali aku linat pokok zaiton. Tapi kat umah aku ada tanam jugak beli masa dekat Copenhagen. Tapi pokok tu masih kecik. Ni papan tanda pintu masuk. Ramai jugak turis yang datang. Dekat pintu masuk tuh aku beli poskad untuk di hantar pada member, anak2 dan isteri serta my mother. Yang kelakar tuh masa balik Mesia baru ni aku call my mom dia kata dia ada terima poskad from somebody. Jenuh dia dok pikiaq sapa yang hantar. Rupanya dia terlupa yang anak bongsu dia yang nakal dan selalu dok usik tuh yang hantar. Ketawa dia terbahak2 bila aku kata aku yang hantaq.....hehehehe Ni Temple of Olympian Zeus - An impressive temple dedicated to the father of t...