Time For Fajar Prayer

Today I managed to perform my fajar prayer at Masjid Haram. This was the first time since I arrived on the 25th September. The time for fajar began at 4.55 am. So to walk to the mosque about 20 minutes. Struggling to get a lift for another 5 minutes. Preparing for own self and wuduk about 20 minutes, therefore you are required to wake up as early as 3.00am.

To wake for fajar prayer is very mujahadah. You know lah how difficult to open the eyes and remove the blanket. But all these need to fight the desires that associate with setan. Aiyoo...I myself felt defeated most of the time. However when coming to Mecca everything bad must be changed to good deeds and expect to maintain when kita balik rumah la. If not tak laku la sudah naik haji kan....

You may think that the people not that many but you would surprise that the people walking towards Allah were so many with their tongues continuosly made zikirullah. They ubiquitiously gather right from outside the mosque until arranging their sajadah along the footpath. It was so incredible when people would sacrifice their comfort sleep just to please Allah......

Oh Allah please give us strength to be istiqamah in all the amal. Orang kata tak adalah hangat hangat taik ayam........ Jom from today, let's make a promise never to miss fajar prayer with congrigation....


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