Oh My Finger

It has been a week my finger has been wrapped like a big turban. Do you want to know why? Hhhmmmm......I cut my finger with a rotary cutter.

It was a sunday weekend and I need to complete my patchwork for the forth design. Since every project I have put a milestone date, I have no other choice but to case the deadlines. Further more I started to get orders from my friends and it starts to build up the pressure on me!

Weekend is the nice time to gether with my family, initiating with breakfast table. While waiting for them to get together I would rather be in my studio cutting fabrics for the exact dimensions. It was easy to cut but when it came to an odd direction, you need to twist your hand and body a little angle for smooth cutting. 1, 2, 3 let press and roll the blade. I was not realised that my finger was over the edge of the ruler when I roll the blade and accidently it cut my finger. It was so painful and the blood started to ooz. At first I thought that I totally lost my finger by looking at the dripping of the blood. I quickly ran to the running tap water and asked my wife to get a cloth. Everybody in the kitchen was panic wondering what was happening to me.

I asked my wife to take me to the clinic immediately. When I look at the cut, the wound was almost detached at the tip of my finger and almost impossible to salvage or stitch. When I was at the surgery room the doctor gave me 2 injections of aneastathic. It was so paintful.....eerrgghhhh.. Dr mentioned that they have to cut it and let the tissue to grow again. It was impossible to stitch at that corner....

Now I got a week mc and I could see the tissue started to grow again and everything would return to normal..... What ever happened, I still love to play around with my rotary cutter....


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