Walnut Layered Cake
I always tell my chilren about my childhood life to my children and my student life. It is good to reminisce the good and the bad experiences to them. One of my fond memories is having almond layered cake during my weekend grocery in UK. Shopping is tiring but interesting. I told my wife before I left for Munich and London to bring her Walnut Layered Cake. I was not sure whether it is around since I had left UK almost 25 years ago. I rememembered going to Mark & Spencer purposely to buy this cake. For me, the taste was nice and always filled my stomach prior to my cooking time for the weekend. When I arrived London last week, I took opportunity to go to M&S to get the cake. I was hesitated whether the cake was still available. I went to the basement and searching for the cake and thank god it was there. I never imagined that I would have a similar cake after 25 years! When I arrived home I showed my family about the cake. It seemed that nobody was interested with it. When I ...