Skateboard For Ikhlas
Everytime when I returned home there were things demanded by my children. The only this was I can only fullfil one at a time and others should wait for their turns. It was not easy to say than done! Some can be very patience like Adah and some might show their tantrum like Yusuff. I have to play my role to mitigate all these issues.
Yusuff demanded a bicycle from me but I knew that the bicycle wont last long. Within days everything would been torn apart. I have to cajole him by taking to McD for a lunch. And the promise for a bicyle might happen next month. The first part he must prove tha he could read before the nect school. He always argue with me bicycle first than he will learn how to read! Oh my god...he is demanding.
I went to Bukit Bintang Plaza and find Ikhlas a skateboard. He had asked a very long time ago. But this would be his second skateboard. It is not cheap but expensive. I bought alsa pad guards for his arms and knees. So what Ikhlas is promising me for having the scateboard? I would wait and see....