Friday Prayer At The Blue Mosque
This was the second time I perform my friday prayer in the Blue Mosque. My first prayer was last January and this was my second time. We were late. By the time we reached the mosque the Azan was already finished. I thought I could perform my prayer inside the main hall but we managed our row at he back corridor. was still ok at least our intention to perform our prayer was still fulfilled. I was located near the main enterance of the Mosque and people still coming to join the lecture from the imam. I thought mostly they were muslim to perform the prayer too but surprisingly the tourist largely from different religions stayed focus and listened attentively to the sermon. Wow such a magnificient environment. The ladies were covering their head and remained quiet and calm.
Unfortunately I was out of focus for a while and start taking this oppurtunity to snap few shots. Eventhough the sermon was delivered in Turkish but nobody moved from their positions except for the new comers who were searching for the right space to sit or taking nice shots.
Blue Mosque as its well known of of Sultan Ahmed Mosque was built more than 400 years ago. The beauty and its environment are uncomparable. Just splendid and marvelous!!
Regent Park Mosque London Setiap hari Khamis malam Jumaat aku akan ke London untuk ke Algate East Mosque, Christian Street, London. Masjid ini dahulunya adalah synagogue. Apabila komunity Islam sudah bertambah di kawasan ini, terutamanya warga Bangla, maka ramai orang orang Yahudi yang berpindah ke North London. Selalunya aku akan terus dari kelas ke sana yang memakan masa selama 30 minit by train. Kadang kadang ada member teringin nak ikut tapi selalunya aku seorang lone ranger aje. Di samping dengar bayan sekali sekala seronok juga boleh jumpa dan borak dengan member2 yang lain. Di sinilah aku selalu jumpa Abang Qasim aku tuh. Kalau aku dah penat dan rasa dah lewat untuk pulang ke rumah, aku iktikaf aje di masjid. Kalau aku iktikaf Abang Qasim lah yang selalu sediakan bistra untuk aku. Sayang dia kat aku...hehehehe. Esok paginya kadang aku terpaksa ponteng kelas sebab lewat. Lagi pun subjek tu bukanya ada exam pun. Jadi week end sahaja aku selalu lepak di rumah member member aku yan...