Tangkuban Perahu Bandung

Our trip to Tangkuban Perahu was full of stess and tension. I could not comprehend the massive jam towards the top. The traffic started to increase and piling up unnecessarily. When I asked the driver he said because of school holiday i.e liburan. Luckily we dont experience such situation in Cameron higland and Gunung Jerai. Oooopppsss....che Mat told me about the jam recently in Cameron Highland.

We were stuck from time to time to give way for other vehicles to decend. I thougt of what can I view at the plateau. There must be nice restaurants, gardens etc. Finally I was told that the parking up there was limited and people were waiting for the empty spaces.

Finally we reached the top. I was surprised to see many people around. As expected there were many private vendors approching us for their goods. This is typical Indonesia when you reach at any tourist destination. Even you have said no politely but they were persistant and demanding you to purchase their goods from sky rocketed price to the rock bottom. It was irritating indeed when they just didnt let you go away. The problem was when you bought just to get rid of them, more people will come to you.

We climbed and brisk ourselves to the edge of the volcano to see the volatile pit. It was huge and you can feel the scent of sulfuric gas around you. My kids started to accused each other who had fart. I just smiled and ignore them. We took few photos and quickly wanted to go down and leave the place.

I just wondered why we need to gp up there in the first place. I would not recommend this place to be visited. Oh...you need to pay for entry fee about rm500 each.


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