Visiting My Daughter

I received a call and sms from my daughter and asking me to visit her at Temerloh. told me that you are going to be ok and not necessarily for me to visit you. As a father I knew what is in your feeling and what you really need. Yes, you need my supports,  caring and loving. I was planning to visit you with Umi next Sunday. You were adamant for me to visit you yesterday. Alright....alright I will go with Hadi. Since it was a short notice, Umi could not make it and Sarah and Yusuff qere not feeling well.

Umi had already cooked for our lunch wit fried fish and sambal udang. Alhamdulillah Hadi was willing to accompany me. We departed about 8.30 am. The drive to Temerloh would take 1 hour 45 minutes and I will call you when we arrive. 

We arrived at Temerloh toll and I would expect to reach you camp at 11.30. We set the GPS but we could not locate the map and it was frustrated. We passed Temerloh town but still unsure where about the camp until we have to stopped for few occasions to ask the locals where is the camp. The sign to the camp is so poor. Never been accurate. This is a public place and how come the signages were so inefficient. Eerrrgggg...... We have to manuver for sometime to locate the area and by the time we reached your camp it was 12.10 pm.

After registered at the entrance, I parked the car and walked to the other registration tent. It was nice to see you were there smiling at me. Yeah.......3 weeks were just like 3 months.


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