Sukan Sekolah Rendah Bandar Sungai Buaya
Sunday, 17th February 2008 was a sport day. Shamim told me take she took part in 100m and 4X100m. She representing Perdana House i.e. yellow colour. Before that she got no 10th for the cross country in her age category. Since his brother's day, they never came home with empty handed during sport day. Almost everybody will bring home at least one meddle. That' good. Everytime during the sport day, it will remind me during my school day that I was also taking part and be a champion for 100m and relay events. At least today, I will definitely giving my full support for all of them to be active in sport. I was abit late that day coz I need to send Ubai for his badminton class ans Safwan for his tuition at Rawang town. So I only manage to snap few photos excluding the marching event early of the day.