My New Handbag

Hhmmm.......sometimes it is not easy to arrive to a decision and whether I have set the right priory. People used to say whether is it nice to have or necessary to have. It is all about how to control you desire. If given a chance, we would like to have everything nice. When we have a second thought, we might set a wrong priority. I also confused with my conscience wispering that you could have it while you are alive but not to burden yourself. A simple words is ' ukur baju di badan sendir'.

I bought a new handbag last Monday while I was wandering around in KLCC mall. I wish I could have moved home earlier but I was trapped in the mall due to the heavy down pour. The traffic was getting worst. I was walking around level one and was searching for a Couch Boutique. After making a round trip I found it at the end near to Ampang exit. I came hear once where I desired for a new bag. My revisit just to confirm that I might purchase the bag.

The rain was still heavily pouring outside. I better take my leisure time to select the most appropriate bag for me. Yes....I confirmed this was the one that suited me....haha.


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