Pineapple Tart Cake

My passion for cooking never die. I dont cook everyday at home because my wife is handling that. I only do some cooking when I desire to do that. Since the kitchen is not totally belong to me, rather under full control of my wife the mood of cooking sometime disappear. The worst is when you want to find whereabout the utensils and ingredient. Thereforw, I have to inform my wife earlier for all things that I want so that she can easily prepare them. If not I will keep on asking her until my mood subside.

To experience a good and enjoyable cooking you need little bit of creativity and technic. I did follow some of the recipe books and for my puneapple tart cake I did it by my own creativity. If you were to ask me about measurement of the ingredients, I would say I main campak campak aje because everything is very sounds so easy isnt it! Everybody can do it!


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