The Story Of Edgar Sawtelle - David Wroblewski
I just finished reading it 20 minutes ago. The whole story telling about dogs! How Edgar and the family i.e the mother and father worked together to take care of the dogs. Then came a cousin of his father staying with them after ended his army service in Korea. By the way the breeding of dogs pedigree of unique Swatelle inherited by Edgar's grandfather. But there are few scenes that left me obscured of what had happened to the death of his father? Was his father poisoned by his own brother Claude, and because what reasons? Was it because of the fight? And why Edgar hated Dr Pappadue and killing him to the extreme. Was it because he got the share in the breeding program as a veteriner? This is still unclear for me and the writer should peel off the doubts properly. And during the last part, Edgar insisted his mother to meet him at the barn, as if something important Edgar wanted to tell but it just off like that without proper conclusion.
If anybody have read the book please enlighten me the scenes that make me really blurred.......