My New Ficas

I bought new ficas from Sungai Buluh. One is very light and calm green and the other one is green with patches of with. There were two more varieties that looked so unique. Hhhmmmmm......I tought of buying them but I need to refrain myself for a while.

Ficas is got to grow indoor. It gives beautiful decoration and coolness. But if you grow them outdoor they might grow very fast and can turn into a giant tree. That is the reason why I like to grow them in door. Yesterday evening I spent my leisure time to tend my garden. I was busy pruning my waterlily pool and propogate my japanese roses and ficas as well. I was very lucky whenever I worked on my garden, my wife would come and assist to collect and dispose the debris.

There are few more work to be done, such as propagate my frangipani and graft them with different varieties of shapes and colour. It is a wonderful therapy.......


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