Going To Open House
Is Hari Raya is over? No, it is not. You can see people are still celebrating Hari Raya. My children's friends are still coming to our house and still beri duit raya. If you drive in KL during coming week end dont be surprised if you are stuck in the trafic jam especially during afternoon. I also got invited to few houses for Open House. Since I am still on mc, it is better for me to rest at home.
Now is the time for the politicians and ministers, MPs do have an Open House to show to people they are the MPs or politicians with pwople's heart. Hhhmmmm......to invite people to enjoy the free food and getting small duit raya never denied by almost all Malaysians. Malaysians are well known for rushing for anything free. They can forego their principal for anything free even to cheat just to get something free. Wow...my words are becoming politic now...hihihi.
Hari Raya is about eating ketupat isnt it. Yes I missed ketupat very much and this raya, surprisingly I never taste ketupat. Nowadays not many people know how to do ketupat and I should leart to make it from my mother. At least this traditional dish never get extinct very soon. Let me inherit from my mother....yummy...yummy...
Now is the time for the politicians and ministers, MPs do have an Open House to show to people they are the MPs or politicians with pwople's heart. Hhhmmmm......to invite people to enjoy the free food and getting small duit raya never denied by almost all Malaysians. Malaysians are well known for rushing for anything free. They can forego their principal for anything free even to cheat just to get something free. Wow...my words are becoming politic now...hihihi.
Hari Raya is about eating ketupat isnt it. Yes I missed ketupat very much and this raya, surprisingly I never taste ketupat. Nowadays not many people know how to do ketupat and I should leart to make it from my mother. At least this traditional dish never get extinct very soon. Let me inherit from my mother....yummy...yummy...
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