My Former Course Mate Mr Khursheed Ahmed
It has been a long time that we have not met each other. We started to revive our friendship about 5 years ago when I browsed our University Alumni to find out contacts of all our lost friends. Luckily I found your hotmail address, and that was where our friendship started to bloom again. The last moment that I called you was when I was doing my master degree at Bradford University. I just wonder how did I manage to get your phone number or address and I got an invitation for your wedding. I was trying hard to attend your wedding with my wife but I got no personal transport and it quite a haste to ride with a train than change to a bus and another public transport just to reach Nelson, Preston. I wish I was there during your wedding and I like to see how you are growing up with your family and children.
You know, I still remember how you presented me a "Khurta" that was sewn by your sister. When ever you returned from your hometown, you never forgot to bring the spinach curry that I admired until today. I will never forget to remind my wife to prepare that recipe extracted from my favorite cooking book written by Pamela Punjabi. Those are memories that will never parish from my sincere heart and will still be there forever.
Time passes by so fast. After being separated for almost more than 20 years, only yesterday you manage to forward me your most handsome and candid photograph. You never changed except your old black plastic glasses and your long curly hair already gone. Your beard and smile still remained the same. You look very young and energetic. Are there any secret recipes that you would like to share with us? But now, would you like to share your family photo? Lastly, I always hope that we can reunite anywhere be it Kuala Lumpur or London, even Paris, just to share our precious lives, perhaps to be the most memorable experience.