How To Secure Your Egg
Dua orang di pilih dari setiap kumpulan untuk menguruskan telur tersebut dan di tutup kedua dua mata mereka. AKu jadi tukang ambil gambar dan pemberi arahan bersama sama member aku yang lain. So kami decided the best way to achieve is by wrapping the egg with the straw around it and finally we wrapped with a paper like a candy. With the remaining tapes we wrapped the egg completely .
So we are the last group to be tested and when came to our turn, and the egg was dropped, the end wrapped just acting like a spring and safe the egg from crushing. Wow kami berjaya. Sorrylah gambar di atas aku tak atur in order. Korang kena nengok dari bawah ke atas.
Mana mana pun same je...aku dah 3 kali buat benda ni....sapa tiru sapa tak tau . Atu ni benda wajip kot...