Betta Fish (Fighting Fish)

The above prologue reminds me to talk about my new interest to breed Betta fish. I have tried for several times but end up with casualties. I just wonder why won't I search in the internet on how to breed the Betta fish earlier. What I did was I put the male and female together in an aquarium and expect them to get acquaintance, mating and breeding. ridiculous I was. Everytime on my way home from KL I will stop by at the aquarium shop to check for the Betta fish after I enjoyed the best rojak under the tree cooked by the taukey named Kulum Kadar (Now he has changed his name and no more 'Kulum' printed. May be it quite an obscene name to be mentioned). I will buy few males and females and as usual mix them together expect them to produce the young. Hahahaha........ I failed again.
Few days ago I started browsing the internet on how to bread a Betta fish and now I think I know what to be done. My next home leave, I will seriously operating my new interest. I would ask one of my children to share this new interest with me and to ensure that our program will be successful.