I Am Growing Old

I can see many people would like to put their old photos in the Facebook. Amazingly they still have their photos when they were young. Some people still have their photos when they were babies. It was their retro-period that they had cherished with their loved one.

I enjoy the photography session. Those are memories that you can instantly keep and share with others. But where are my old photos? As far as I could remember, I have no photos of my childhood. What a pity! I feel envy when I saw my friend's old photos with their siblings and friends. What to do, but if I could rewind the history I would snap plenty of precious moments and build up my collection of memory trove.

I would like to thank my friend Mohamad that willing to make every efford to upload old photos in the facebook. He volunteerily allow his friends to share the pictures and reminisce the best old moment together. What a feeling.......
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